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Ivory Liquid Main Washing Detergent (Solvent Free)

Ivory Liquid Main Washing Detergent 30 Kg.   It is a domestically produced main washing detergent for the needs of

Moischo Essence Rose Fragrance Essence

Moischo Essence Rose Fragrance Essence Neutralizes the bad and harmful odor of dry cleaning, It emits a pleasant rose-flavored content,

Pre-Zym Collar Cuff Brushing Chemical 750 Ml

Pre-Zym Collar Cuff Brushing Chemical 750 Ml It is a practical collar-cuff arm cuff brushing chemical for wet washing, specially

PreH2O Special for Heavy Oily Stains 10 Kg

PreH2O Special for Heavy Oily Stains 10 Kg It is an effective pre-intervention specialist with its high cleaning power, especially

Superwash 20 Kg

Superwash 20 Kg It is the main washing detergent for daily textiles. Oxygen-based powder bleaching effect is also available.